

Sunday Lunch Fellowship

After our Sunday worship, we fellowship together by having lunch together. Members take turns and prepare the lunch each Sunday. This is a wonderful way of serving the church--we have found this Sunday lunch time to be a great time of fellowship and encouragement (and necessary for our Sunday School in the afternoon)!

Campus ministries

UCSD Outreach

Every Thursday, from 11:45 am - 2:15 pm, Pastor James, along with a few members, are on campus, sharing the gospel. Pastor James does open-air preaching between classes while other members pass out gospel tracts and flyers for campus Bible study. For the rest of the time, they interact with those, who come to the "Questions about Christianity?" table. This is a great opportunity to share the gospel with those, who may very well be the shakers and movers of the future.

UCSD New Life Student Ministry Bible Study

We are currently studying through the book of Romans.  The studies are led by Pastor James, who teaches the lessons and answers whatever questions the students may have on the lesson or on Christian life in general. After the study, they go out to eat and fellowship together.

International Students Ministry

We are in the process of developing this ministry. We believe that our church is strategically located next to a major university, which attracts many foreign students. It is not an easy thing to live and study in a foreign country with a different culture and language. We would like to minister to their needs and, when opportunities arise, share the good news of Jesus Christ. We plan on having annual thanksgiving dinners as one of the many activities for this group.

Fore more questions, contact

Community Outreach

Interfaith Shelter

We work with the La Jolla Lutheran Church (who is graciously sharing their lovely facilities with us), who is a part of the Interfaith Shelter Program for homeless people. This program is uniquely designed specifically for those, who are on their way to financial indepedence. The Lutheran church provides lodging and food for 2 weeks in spring and we help out.

MIssions Support

We are privileged to support the work of our missionaries. We have a liaison for each of our missionaries, regularly keeping in touch with them and relating their prayer requests and needs to our congregation.

Missionaries we support:

Ray & Michelle Call (Belize)

After several years of church planting in Uruguay, Ray and Michele have begun working with Mission to the World (MTW) in Belize. Ray is an ordained minister of the gospel in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and serves as a church planter. Ray and Michele desire God to bring many people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, to establish His Church among the nations and to bring about changed lives that will affect all facets of society for His glory!

Matthew and Sherrene Delong (RUF International—George Mason)

Matthew grew up in Florence, KY and attended Murray State University. After graduating with a degree in Music Education in 2002, Matthew moved to Alabama to serve at a Christian camp. During his time there, he felt called to attend seminary, and headed over to Westminster Seminary California (MDiv 2010), where he met Sherrene (MA Theological Studies, 2011). Somehow, Matthew convinced Sherrene to marry him, leave her large Indian family in southern California, and move to Alabama with him. They were married on 9-10-11, adopted their dog, Bhindi, three months later, and are excited to welcome the nations as they serve with Reformed University Fellowship-International. Matthew and Sherrene recently welcomed their son Isaac into the family and are serving at George Mason University in Virginia.

David & Darlene Eby (Uganda)

Africa Reformation Theological Seminary Uganda seeks to glorify God by educating and equipping pastors and leaders to serve Christ's church and advance His kingdom in Africa. Our mission is to train and equip pastors, preachers, church planters and leaders who have a passion for the gospel of grace and a zeal for building and multiplying healthy, strong, biblical, God-centered and Christ-exalting churches in Uganda, Africa and to the ends of the earth. Africa needs trained pastors and leaders who will be able to equip a huge African Church in the Word of God for a worldwide harvest.

Tim & Moonsook Lim (Cambodia)

Tim immigrated to the U.S. when his father accepted a pastorate in San Francisco. As a youth he was rebellious but came to faith in Christ during college. After receiving his B.A. at UC Berkeley and M. Div. at Westminster Theological Seminary, Tim was ordained a PCA teaching elder. Moonsook was the first to attend church in her family, often gathering friends to join her. She graduated from Young Nam University (South Korea) and became a teacher. Tim met Moonsook in Korea and married in 2005. The Lims followed Christ to Cambodia in 2012 in response to God’s call. Because of the Pol Pot regime and the ensuing civil wars, 50 percent of Cambodians are under the age of 21. Workers are needed to train young Cambodian Christians to become leaders who would build the church, nation, and society. As the MTW director of theological education for Southeast Asia, Tim has been addressing this need in Cambodia and other countries in South Asia by producing theological curriculum for Asian contexts, teaching in Bible schools, discipling national leaders, and supporting national church plants. Future plans include developing vocational outreach ministries through Korean or English teaching.

Jon & Katie Bonker (RUF International—Florida)

Mark & Megumi Bocanegra (Japan)

Anonymous (Arab Ministry)

Patrick O'Banion (International Teaching Ministry)

David & Meredith Billingslea (RUF International—UCSD)

Pastoral Intern

Rev. Tim Lim
MTW Missionary (PCA), South East Asia

Rev. Joel Fick

Pastor, Redemption Orthodox
Presbyterian Church: Gainesville, Florida

Rev. Brett McNeill
Pastor, Reformation Orthodox
Presbyterian Church: Olympia, Washington

Rev. Reid Hankins
Pastor, Trinity Orthodox
Presbyterian Church: Novato, California

Rev. Jeff Suhr
Pastor, New Life Mission Church,
Irvine (PCA): Irvine, California

Rev. James Lim
Pastor, Faith Orthodox
Presbyterian Church: Long Beach, California

Rev. Travis Yonkman
Pastor, Grace Orthodox
Presbyterian Church: Hamilton Township, New Jersey

Rev. Matthew DeLong
Reformed University Fellowship International (PCA):
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Rev. David Pak

Youth & College Ministry Director, New Life Mission Church (PCA): Fullerton, California

Mr. Eric Jun

Pastoral Intern, Canyon Creek
Presbyterian Church (PCA): San Ramon, California

Rev. Caleb Her

Pastor, Lamp Presbyterian Church of LA
Gardena, California

Dr. Sean Choi

Mr. Keith Conley