Happy Mother's Day

Pastor James
May 5, 2022

Mother's Day is coming up in a few days. Once a year at least, we want to express our gratitude to our parents. It's easy to take their love for granted, especially that of our mothers because it is so profuse and readily available.

"Mom" (whatever language it may be in) has got to be one of the warmest words. It evokes a deep sense of safety, welcome, love, sympathy, and sacrifice. What a mom is willing to do for her child and how far she is willing to go in her love is mind-boggling. A mom who is so gentle with her child will instantly turn into the fiercest warrior if she ever senses danger for her child. My mother-in-law says about all that mom does for her child(ren), "Women can't do it; only moms can." I think she's right.

But if we appreciate our moms, it's not because they are perfect. "You know you are an adolescent when you know that your parents are far from being perfect. And you know you are an adult when you can forgive them," someone said. Just because we love someone doesn't mean that we know how to love him/her. So many have done things with good intentions only to hurt the very person they tried to help. Parents, even moms, are no exception. I hope you can appreciate your parents despite their mistakes.

You are also aware that even your mom's love is not perfect. As a parent, I must confess that I do genuinely get angry with my children at times. Far more than I care to admit, my anger is out of selfishness, not out of genuine concern. Moms are generally more patient and loving, but they, too, would admit the imperfection of their love.

What do you think about your future as a parent? Do you think you'll make a much better parent than your mom and dad? Or do you hope you can be even half as good as they? It's a tall order, being a good parent. I can say without any hesitation that being a parent is the single most challenging thing I have ever done, by far. Nothing has taught me more about what it means to love and care for someone than parenting. Nothing has taught me more about my flaws and faults than parenting.

The Bible has high regard for motherhood. We read in Isaiah 49:15, "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you." God compares His love to a mother’s love for her child because it is the highest form of human love. What mom would forget her child, especially her nursing child!

A mother's love is great love, beautiful love, tenacious love. But God's love is infinitely greater. Many years ago, a friend of mine lost his young son. Recently he called his sister in a panic, saying, "I can't recall his face!" But God will never forget one of His own. We may love our children, and when they are sick, we may spend many sleepless nights caring for them. But there comes a time when our bodies cannot handle it any longer. We crash. But God does not, ever. "Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:4).

But where do we see the greatest expression of God's love for us? In giving up His divine Son for our redemption. What kind of Father would sacrifice His own Son for His purpose? But this was not done against His Son's will. In His perfect love for His Father, Jesus willingly laid down His life for the salvation of God's people. And the Father's purpose has always been to exalt His Son as the Redeemer of the world upon the completion of His mission.

What wondrous love is this! "[W]hile we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person--though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:6-8). Receive the greatest love of all and start living in communion with Him as your heavenly Father!